Frequently Asked Questions

Installation and compilation

Using generateIt

Other questions

Installation and compilation

What are the generateIt's system requirements?
Any system running Mac OS 10.3.x (Panther) with 256MB RAM or higher can use generateIt.

How do I install generateIt?
Ok, so you've downloaded the latest stable version of generateIt here? To install the application, run the dmg and open the folder. Drag and drop the generateIt icon wherever you want (the most common place to put applications is the Applications folder). Nothing more is needed.

Can I compile generateIt myself?
No problem. You must have previously installed the Apple Developer tools (Xcode, Interface Builder) You can download the sources here or use CVS. In a shell:

      cvs login


      cvs -z3 co

Now, you can build the project directly in Xcode by opening the generateIt.xcode file.

Using generateIt

How do I create / modify a new class?
Select the palette tool for creating classes and draw a rectangle in the work space. To modify a class, select it in the class inspector, right-click and choose Modify.

How do I create / modify a new attribute / function of a class?
You can add attributes or functions for a class by right-clicking on the name of the class in the class inspector and choosing Create Attribute or Create function. To modify an attribute or a function, simply choose Modify in the same right-click menu.

What are the unused palette tools?
Some functionalities have not been implemented yet but we hope they will be in the future. Those functionalities include the zoom, the possibility to edit the diagram informations (class name, attributes name or type, etc...) directly in the work space and not only by using the class inspector and the possibility to add graphically arrows for the inheritance between classes.

Why can't I edit the classes directly in the diagram?
As said in the previous question, this functionality is not yet implemented.

How do I save / load my diagrams?
With the two buttons Save and Load in the class inspector. To save and load, generateIt uses the .plist format in XML.

How do I generate headers?
With the button Generate in the class inspector.

Other questions

Can I bring some help?
Sure. generateIt is an open source project and you can help us if you want. If you don't have a SourceForge account, you can create one here. If you already have one, you can contact us. Thanks in advance.

Wow, there are some bugs in your code.
Yeah, maybe. But if you find a bug in generateIt, we invite you to contact us. Go to the contact page.